Our Blog gives you a general overview of the business, information about recently released products, and other crucial details that should educate you about the firm or product.

A lot of specific information is provided including Contacts, Addresses, Overview, Website, and others.

Our Target Audience

 Our blog is visited by Customers who are in search of ordinary people and connecting businesses and consumers. We’re a US-based website, but we have visitors from international countries as well.

Get in touch with us at: dwayneallen974@gmail.com

We Write for Humans

Although SEO is important, and we will always optimize our posts, we write content for humans and will never contaminate our content to impress search engine bots. Please write in a way that flows naturally and can be easily retained by our customers.

Quality is a Must

 We’re looking for quality information that is well-researched to be featured on our blog. Content should be original in nature and consists real information about Store.

We’re not looking for surface-level and wrong content. Many of our readers are tech-savvy and have worked in the customer service office or store for years — sharing something they don’t know will impress them and improve your chances of a successful guest post.

Who Can Write to

  • Customer experience experts
  • Thought leaders
  • Company executives
  • Store executives
  • Industry insiders
  • Content experts specializing in Customer Support

Content Quality Guidelines

  • Original and plagiarism-free content
  • Unique content offering information to readers
  • Insert 1-2 Gallery Images
  • Expected word count is more than 1200 words
  • Article posting time is around 24 hours
  • Make sure content is relevant to our published post.

Contribution Process

  • Send content through MS Word or Google Docs only
  • Share your short biography, a recent headshot with your name and email address.
  • All submissions and queries should be sent to dwayneallen974@gmail.com | Start submitting your articles now!
  • We will reply you in 48 hours.

Sample Articles

Here are the links to some of our published articles for your reference. Go through them to get a hang of the tone and writing style before you submit the guest post on letcustomerhelp.com.          




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